About Us
Email: info@berwynfire506.org
Berwyn, IL Firefighters Local 506 are a proud affiliate local of the Associated Fire Fighters of Illinois (http://www.affi1935.org) and the International Association of Fire Fighters (http://www.iaff.org), which represents over 326,000 full-time professional firefighters & paramedics in the United States & Canada. Currently, we have over 80 active & active/retired members that make up our local.
Local 506 received its charter from the IAFF on March 26th, 1937. Back then, firefighters in Berwyn worked over 84 hours a week, received very little health benefits & subpar wages. Our local was formed in order to improve the working conditions and ensure the safety of our members. Since then, our local has been able to secure 48 hour work weeks and improved wages and benefits for all members. Most notably in 2011, Local 506 negotiated a contract with the city that eliminated the for-profit private ambulance service & then strengthened our fire department by hiring 100% professional union firefighter/paramedics. Not only did we increase our membership & staffing, but we were able to enhance our services by providing the residents with advanced life support services available by all our our ambulances and front-line fire apparatus.
All work of the union is done through our local's committees. We are involved in the health & safety of our firefighters and our residents. Local 506 has a strong political presence within the community of Berwyn & State of Illinois when it comes to fighting for and securing the rights, wages, and benefits of our professional firefighters. We are very active and engaing when it comes to our social media showcasing our involvement with the community and charitable organizations we are affiliated with.
We understand that community involvement and engagement is very important to maintaining a trusting relationship with our citizens who we so proudly serve. That is why Local 506 is very proud to sponsor multiple community/charitable events in the City of Berwyn. Also, we sponsor several athletic, scholastic, and civic orientated programs in our community as well. In addition, we have several events for our members, including a golf outings, family picnics, retiree breakfasts, and holiday parties. We also host our annual “Day at the Races” which is our main fundraiser for the year.
All the brothers & sisters of Berwyn Firefighters Local 506 take great pride in serving our citizens of Berwyn with the highest level of professional EMS and fire service and will continue to do so for generations to come!
#Local506Cares 👍❤️👨🚒